Procedural Macros

The glsp crate defines a handful of procedural macros. In general, their purpose is to blur the line between GameLisp code and Rust code.


The eval! procedural macro takes a string literal which contains GameLisp source code, and executes it. You can interleave local variables into the evaluation by unquoting them with ~. Local variables are converted to and from GameLisp values using the IntoVal and FromVal traits.

fn main() {
let width: i32 = 100;
let height: i32 = 200;
let mut area: i32 = 0;

let _: Val = eval!("(= ~area (* ~width ~height))")?;

You can split the string literal over several lines, and include embedded strings, using a raw string literal:

fn main() {
let y: usize = 20;
let _: Val = eval!(r#"
  (let x (* ~y 10))
  (prn "the value of y is {(/ x 10)}")

eval! is much faster than the eval and glsp::eval functions. While your crate is compiling, it fires up a GameLisp Runtime and uses it to compile the the literal string into GameLisp bytecode, which is lazily loaded into your own Runtime when the eval! is first executed. This means that, unlike the alternatives, eval! does not need to compile any code when it's executed.

One small downside is that, because the code is expanded and compiled using a generic, empty Runtime, it can't make use of any macros except those defined in the GameLisp standard library. However, it can still access your custom GameLisp functions, Rust functions and global variables as normal.

Because it performs bytecode serialization, the eval! macro is only available when the "compiler" feature flag is enabled.


The quote! macro is equivalent to the quote form. It takes a text description of some GameLisp data, parses it at compile time, lazily allocates and deep-freezes it the first time the quote! is executed, and then repeatedly returns the same data every time it's executed. This is sometimes more efficient than recreating the data from scratch.

Its return type is generic, so you should usually assign it to a variable with a concrete type, such as Val or Root<Arr>.

fn main() {
let ai_priorities: Root<Arr> = quote!(r#"
    (harvest-materials defend-self guard-allies build-structures)
creature.set("ai-priorities", ai_priorities)?;


backquote! is equivalent to the backquote form. It emits code to allocate a fresh, mutable copy of the specified GameLisp value, perhaps interleaving local variables into the output. It can be useful when implementing a GameLisp macro as a Rust function.

Local variables can be splayed, but otherwise it's not yet possible to evaluate arbitrary Rust code within a backquote!.

fn main() {
fn test_numbers_macro(attempt: Val) -> Val {
    let numbers: [i32; 4] = [36, -10, 59, 97];
          ((eq? ~attempt '(~..numbers))
            (prn "I have a bad feeling about this..."))
            (prn "Hint: one of the numbers is " (rand-pick ~..numbers))))

Unquoted local variables are converted into GameLisp values using the IntoVal macro, which has the potential to fail. backquote! will panic if the conversion fails. try_backquote! is the non-panicking equivalent; it returns a GResult<T>.