
As a Rust game developer, you're probably already aware of Rust's stern and disapproving attitude towards global variables.

In order to prevent unsafe mutation and unsafe multithreading, safe Rust is forced to completely forbid global mutable variables. They need to be wrapped in a thread_local!, a RefCell, a Mutex, a lazy_static!, or something else to shield you from the shared mutable data.

This is strictly necessary to uphold Rust's invariants, but it always makes global variables much less convenient to use. Typical use of a thread_local! variable is not a pretty sight:

fn main() {
thread_local! {
    pub(crate) static LOG_FILE: RefCell<Option<File>> = RefCell::new(None);

fn log_str(text: &str) {
    LOG_FILE.with(|ref_cell| {
        let mut option = ref_cell.borrow_mut();
        if let Some(ref mut file) = *option {

Contrast the equivalent C code:

thread_local FILE* log_file;

void log_str(const char* text) {
    if (log_file) {
        assert(fputs(text, log_file));

When programming a game, you'll sometimes encounter a part of your engine which seems "naturally global" - a texture manager, an audio mixer, a log file, an entity database. There's only ever going to be one of it, and it's only ever going to be accessed from a single thread, but Rust still forces you to keep it at arm's length.

You're given two options:

- Use something like a [`lazy_static!`] [`RwLock`]. At minimum, this requires you to recite the
  incantation `NAME.read().unwrap()` every time you access the global object. This is 
  inconvenient, it makes the order of initialization/destruction less predictable, and it 
  carries a non&#8209;trivial performance cost.

- Allocate your "global" object on the stack when your program starts up, and pass borrowed
  references down the callstack to any function which needs to access it. I would consider this 
  an anti&#8209;pattern in Rust game development - passing a context reference into most 
  function calls adds a lot of visual noise, and it sometimes causes borrow&#8209;checker 
    - This is why functions like [`glsp::sym`] are free functions, rather than being invoked
      as methods on some `&mut Glsp` "God object". An earlier version of the `glsp` crate
      did work that way, but it made the library much less pleasant to use.

If neither of these options seem appealing, GameLisp offers an alternative.


An rglobal is a Rust object which is owned by the GameLisp Runtime. Predictably, the name stands for "Rust global".

Unlike RData, rglobals are singletons: for a given rglobal type, you can only store one instance of that type in each Runtime.

To define an rglobal, implement the RGlobal trait for one of your types, and then pass an instance of that type to the glsp::add_rglobal function. Ownership will be transferred to the active Runtime. If you later decide that you'd like to remove the rglobal from the Runtime and take back ownership (perhaps because you're finished with the rglobal and you want to drop it), you can call glsp::take_rglobal.

While an rglobal of type T is registered with the active Runtime, you can temporarily borrow it by calling T::borrow() or T::borrow_mut().

fn main() {
struct Textures {
    by_name: HashMap<Sym, RRoot<Texture>>

impl RGlobal for Textures { }

fn init() {

fn get_texture(name: Sym) -> GResult<RRoot<Texture>> {
    let textures = Textures::borrow();

    match textures.by_name.get(&name) {
        Some(texture) => Ok(RRoot::clone(texture)),
        None => bail!("texture {} does not exist", name)

Notice that, unlike RData, we're able to store an RRoot in our rglobal without causing a memory leak.

Dynamic checks are used to uphold Rust's aliasing rules - for example, it's an error to call glsp::take_rglobal or T::borrow_mut() for an rglobal which is currently borrowed. When the Runtime is dropped, all of its rglobals will be dropped in the reverse order that they were registered.

This is already a big improvement compared to lazy_static!, but the real magic comes from argument type conversions. When a function parameter is a shared or mutable reference to a type which implements RGlobal, calling the function from GameLisp will automatically borrow that rglobal for the duration of the function call. If the get_texture function above was intended to be called from GameLisp, we could rewrite it like this:

fn main() {
impl Textures {
    fn get_texture(&self, name: Sym) -> GResult<RRoot<Texture>> {
        match self.by_name.get(&name) {
            Some(texture) => Ok(RRoot::clone(texture)),
            None => bail!("texture {} does not exist", name)

glsp::bind_rfn("get-texture", &Textures::get_texture)?;

Because the type of &self is &Textures, and the Textures type implements RGlobal, GameLisp will call Textures::borrow() to immutably borrow the Textures rglobal for the duration of each call to get-texture.

When an rfn parameter is borrowed from an rglobal, it doesn't consume an argument. You would invoke this function from GameLisp by calling (get-texture name), with only one argument.

A function may have multiple rglobal parameters:

fn main() {
impl Textures {
    fn draw_texture(
        renderer: &mut Renderer,
        name: Sym,
        x: i32,
        y: i32
    ) -> GResult<()> {

        let texture = self.get_texture(name)?;
        renderer.draw(&texture.borrow(), x, y)

glsp::bind_rfn("draw-texture", &Textures::draw_texture)?;

Assuming Renderer implements RGlobal, you would invoke the above function from GameLisp as (draw-texture id x y).

This auto-borrowing is very convenient. It provides a pool of global variables which are "always available" to GameLisp and Rust code, with a minimum of fuss.

Symbol Caching

If you're finicky about performance, function calls like glsp::global("texture-count") might make you nervous. That function will invoke glsp::sym("texture-count") every time it's called, performing a hash-table lookup to convert the string into a symbol. Surely it would be better to cache the symbol somewhere, and call glsp::global(TEXTURE_COUNT_SYM) instead?

(In 90% of cases, the answer to that question is "no, it doesn't matter"... but the last 10% can be quite important!)

If you want to cache a symbol, the most convenient option is usually to store it in an rglobal. This will ensure that you don't accidentally share symbols between one Runtime and another.

fn main() {
struct Textures {

    pub nearest_neighbour_sym: Sym,
    pub bilinear_sym: Sym,
    pub trilinear_sym: Sym

impl Textures {
    fn new() -> Textures {
        Textures {

            nearest_neighbour_sym: sym!("nearest-neighbour"),
            bilinear_sym: sym!("bilinear"),
            trilinear_sym: sym!("trilinear")

We provide the syms! macro to make this more straightforward. The macro defines a struct for which every field is a Sym, with a constructor function named new() which initializes each field by calling glsp::sym.

fn main() {
syms! {
    pub (crate) struct Syms {
        pub(crate) nearest_neighbour: "nearest-neighbour",
        pub(crate) bilinear: "bilinear",
        pub(crate) trilinear: "trilinear"

struct Textures {
    syms: Syms,


impl Textures {
    fn new() -> Textures {
        Textures {
            syms: Syms::new(),



GameLisp is single-threaded, because multithreading is primarily a performance optimization. Nobody is writing multithreaded game code for its beauty or its convenience! GameLisp code simply isn't fast enough for multithreading to be worth the extra complexity it would add to the language, so it's not supported.

That being said, GameLisp is designed to be cleanly embedded into a multithreaded Rust program. You can spin up a separate isolated Runtime for each thread if you like (similar to a Web Worker), but it would be more typical to have one Runtime which lives on the main thread, with a few worker threads which only run Rust code.

Let's imagine you have a Clip which stores a few seconds of PCM audio data, and a worker thread which performs audio mixing in software. You want to load and manipulate Clips from your GameLisp scripts, while still allowing the worker thread to access their PCM samples. A naive attempt would look something like this:

fn main() {
struct Clip {
    name: Sym,
    channels: Channels,
    samples: Vec<i16>

let clip = glsp::rdata(Clip::load("door-opening.wav"));

You'll run into a problem when you try to pass your Clip to your worker thread. Because the Clip is owned by a GameLisp Runtime, you can only refer to it indirectly, using the types Root<RData>, RRoot<Clip>, &Clip, and &mut Clip. None of these types implement Send or Sync, so there's no way for you to access your Clip's samples from another thread.

Thanks to fearless concurrency, there's an easy workaround. Simply wrap the shared parts of your struct in an Arc<T>:

fn main() {
struct Clip {
    name: Sym,
    samples: Arc<Samples>

struct Samples {
    channels: Channels,
    samples: Vec<i16>

impl Clip {
    fn play(&self, mixer: &Mixer) {

Ideally, when writing a multithreaded game with GameLisp, your worker threads shouldn't know that GameLisp exists at all. Think of each worker thread's code as a small library written in pure Rust, for which your main thread is a client. In the example above, the Mixer could be thought of as a library which mixes raw sample buffers, not a library which mixes Clips specifically.

Using GameLisp with ECS

Although GameLisp has some philosophical differences with the Entity-Component-System pattern (ECS), it's still possible for GameLisp and ECS to comfortably coexist in the same game.

The main obstacle is that most ECS libraries are pervasively multithreaded, but each GameLisp Runtime is strictly single-threaded. This means that GameLisp data can't be stored in components, and GameLisp scripts can't be executed by systems.

Thankfully, ECS libraries usually have a low-level API which can be used to look up an entity's components dynamically, as long as no systems are currently executing. This can be used to implement a "pseudo-system" which runs GameLisp scripts once per frame, after all other entity processing is complete.

For example, with bevy 0.4:

(defmixin Entity
  (field id) ; an rdata

  (prop position
      (ecs:position @id))
    (set (new-position)
      (ecs:position= @id new-position))))

use bevy::{app::App, ecs::Entity};
use glsp::prelude::*;

struct Bevy(App);
impl RGlobal for Bevy { }

//a component
struct Position(f32, f32);

//the (ecs:position) function: access a Position from a glsp script
fn ecs_position(
    bevy: &Bevy,
    entity: &Entity
) -> (f32, f32) {

    let position = bevy.0.world.get::<Position>(*entity_id).unwrap();
    (position.0, position.1)

//the (ecs:position=) function: mutate a Position from a glsp script
fn ecs_set_position(
    bevy: &mut Bevy,
    entity_id: &Entity,
    (x, y): (f32, f32)
) {

    let mut position = bevy.0.world.get_mut::<Position>(*entity_id).unwrap();
    *position = Position(x, y);

fn main() {
    let runtime = Runtime::new();
    runtime.run(|| {

        //register accessor/mutator functions with glsp
        glsp::bind_rfn("ecs:position", &ecs_position)?;
        glsp::bind_rfn("ecs:position=", &ecs_set_position)?;

        //construct the ECS
        let mut app_builder = App::build();

        //...register your usual systems, and so on...

        //store the bevy App as an rglobal

        //the main loop
        loop {
            //run bevy for a single step

            //now, you can execute glsp code for this step. global
            //functions like (ecs:position=) will automatically access a
            //particular Entity's components, stored within the bevy App


I believe this approach would also be compatible with specs, the ECS used by the Amethyst game engine.

With a little experimentation (and a little unsafe code!), it should also be possible to run GameLisp scripts from a thread-local system. For some games, this might be more the more ergonomic option.